Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How to Stop Leg Cramps and Spasms

A muscle cramp or spasm is a sudden, uncontrolled contraction of a muscle. This type of pain is most ordinarily experienced in the legs, and therefore often called a leg cramp or a "charley horse."

The exact cause of a leg cramp is not wholly understood, but there are some factors that are thought to conduce to this condition:

o Muscle fatigue
o Heavy exercising
o Dehydration
o High weight (not necessarily obesity)
o Electrolyte imbalances
o Medications (statins, prednisone, others...)

The most base cause that is typically seen in patients who create leg cramps is exercising in an unusual way, meaning either more performance or a distinct exercise. Leg cramps are more base in young (adolescent age) and older (over 65) patients. Patients who weigh more are more prone to developing leg cramps. Also, some medications can cause side effects of leg cramping.

'Charley-horses' is the first place your body targets when you are dehydrated. Drink lots of water! I recommend purified water and Mineral Water mixed 50/50. The Mineral Water is going to put back into the muscles the minerals they are losing on a daily basis. You must drink beyond your thirst to get the benefits of hydration.

I recommend that adults and children drink 40 ounces of water per 100 pounds of body weight every day. Comprehend that exercise, ambient temperature, and state of health influence the water needs of your body.

In the evening take a hot bath with 2 cups of dissolved Epsom salts and soak for 30 minutes. Afterwards, if you have something shaped like a cylinder and made out of hard material (think of a large rolling pin you would use for pizza dough or something) place it under your leg and push down and roll it back and forth...this should massage the spasms out of your leg. It will hurt while you're doing it, but more so the type of pain that in effect feels good, in the long run. Afterwards massage an analgesic cream into the area. You will start feeling great very quickly.

Take 500mg of calcium and magnesium every evening. This will help stop the cramping as these minerals have a critical relaxing influence on the muscles.

Eat a diet with lots of fresh green vegetables. These vegetables uncooked have expansive amounts of minerals that will feed the muscles. Today's diet is greatly lacking in fresh vegetables and fruits. The water that's contained in vegetables and fruit has the many absorption of minerals into the body.

It's critical that you take a digestive enzymes capsule every time you eat to optimize the absorption of the foods you are consuming. Without enzymes your body cannot dispell food. This is one of the reasons that citizen are constantly hungry - their body is no longer producing enzymes in their stomach. This is base nowadays because of lifestyle (consuming fast food daily) and illnesses.

Working as a Naturopathic doctor for twenty years I saw muscle spasm problems wholly resolved by using the methods I have laid out. I do inexpressive telephone consultations if you would like added data and help.

If you find this question continuing you should see your curative physician because it's possible it could be a more serious question and will need curative investigation. I practiced as a physician of Naturopathic medicine for over twenty years. I have unabridged knowledge on the body.

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